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Monday, January 29, 2018

The Bold and Courageous...Servant

I've been attempting to implement new, more productive and consistent habits into my life. I'm doing this for my personal life and my business. As a wife and mother, if I'm going to be also building a business, I MUST have my ducks in a row and start shooting some of the "squirrels" that distract me. Also, I'm woefully inadequate at some of my spiritual habits, as well. So, praying, a Daily Devotion and finding a good affirmation for my day are on my list of things I have to improve myself. No affirmation was coming today so I went to prayer to see if  Father would shine a light on that for me. As always, He was, indeed, faithful to help me! Also, it's something on which I feel there is a need for some diligent "chewing". As you read what I write, if anything else comes to your mind or heart, feel free to share with me because adding another perspective is always a good thing!

In life, I think we have a tendency to separate "Bold & Courageous" from "Servant". Let's keep them separate from each other and see what that looks like. Say, you are someone who has the financial wherewithal to have servants. If they are not Bold & Courageous...what would they be? Timid, cautious, fearful, shy, quiet. Is that really the kind of servant we would want? Yes, such a person would be quite good at following orders and requests but is that ALL a servant is supposed to do?

Since I am a simple Country Girl and neither have I experienced having a servant nor do I know anyone who employs servants, the only thing I have to go on is what I've seen on television. I kind of imagine you might be in the same boat with me. So, think of a movie you've seen where someone employed servants who were as we just described. For some reason my mind is going to the movie, "The Devil wears Prada". Ms. Miranda Priestly has employees but she treats them like servants whose only purpose in their entire lives is to serve her. If you seen the movie you will remember that everyone walked on egg shells around her, never expressed their opinion, were fearful of losing their job if they inconvenienced her in any way. Everyone in her circle was timid, cautious, fearful, shy and quiet. The spoke when they were spoken to and not before!

Move to another example that comes to my mind: Alfred in the Batman movies. Alfred anticipated every move of Bruce Wayne....much like everyone in Miranda Priestly's circle. BUT...he wasn't afraid to give his Master his well thought out and extremely articulate point of view, either. In fact, in "The Dark Knight Rises" Alfred actually expresses his opinion to the point of quitting his life long service to "Young Master Wayne". THIS is what I would call a Bold & Courageous Servant.

"But how in the world does that apply to me?", you might ask. (Didn't I tell you in the last blog that I >love< good questions?) We are all servants in one capacity or another. Wives to our husbands; Mothers to our children; Children to our parents, Employee to our Boss or Company. Have you ever awakened to your day and asked, "Who can I serve today?" Maybe not. ...but maybe you should. Don't worry, I'm not going to get anymore spiritual or Biblical than I already have but imagine a world where EVERYONE started their day in such a manner. (let the Jeopardy theme run one course through your head while you ponder this possibility...) Can you imagine the implications of EVERYONE serving EVERYONE? Now...imagine a world where we had Bold and Courageous servants.

As a Mom, being a Bold and Courageous Servant might look something like this:

You wake up your young charges at the prescribed time every school day morning to fix them a breakfast that will be the most beneficial to their young bodies and brains. (because you've done some research into what young bodies and brains need to be at the peak performance) You've taught them good, healthy and acceptable hygiene, you know who needs a little extra supervision in this endeavor and who can be trusted to be responsible in this area but you give each one a "look-see" to make sure no areas have been neglected. If someone looks a bit disheveled or their color scheme is a bit uncoordinated you would tactfully point out their "faux pas" and make suggestions for a better choice of style or color. (one can express one's individual style but should have the basics of "tidy" and "modesty" well in hand before moving to such expression, yes?) Then, one would send one's charges off to school, knowing they can be confident in their morning preparation to meet the day. have just been a Bold & Courageous Servant, anticipating the needs of someone else AND offering advice or instruction with love, tact and in a manner that is most likely to be accepted by that someone else. You feel good. They feel good. It's a win/win situation. Now, apply this thought to other areas: being a Spouse, an Employee, an Employer, Volunteer, Business Owner. What would each of these situations look like if he/she were a Bold & Courageous Servant?

This is a blog and not a dissertation on Servanthood so I'm going to leave you with that to think on. But I have my Affirmation for today, at least.

"I am a bold and courageous servant." Throughout MY day I am a servant to my Creator, King, and Father, YHVH Almighty. In that fact, I can be bold and courageous. Where will I serve? In every area of my day and anywhere in the world He leads me: with my husband, my children, my Team, my friends, and rank strangers I might meet today. Because I will be bold in my looking and courageous in my actions. I won't be getting up in anyone's Kool-Aid, to be sure...because that's not what servants do. But I will be seeking where I can serve.

What about you?

Thursday, January 25, 2018

First things first...introductions!

doo, doo, doo, lookin' out my back door! 
Hello Every Little Body!
Here we are starting a new year, new resolutions, new's just all...New! So, how are you feeling about all this new stuff? ....that might be a little too personal a question since you very well might not know me. Let's see if we can fix that.

"I was born a poor child to the parents of ...." 

Ok, that's the wrong intro. I reckon I'll ditch the "Star Wars" sound track, too.

Alrighty, then! Let's just get to the raw truth, shall we?

I'm probably very much like you, actually. Wife. Mom. Grandmother. Someone who is trying to figure out how to make my life and the lives of those I love and care for just a little better. So then, why am I writing and you are reading? Good question! (I >love< good questions!) I reckon all my life I've had something to say. Ask my family. I was always talking. Ask my 5th grade teacher, Ms. Cook, who moved me in hopes of getting me to be quiet. Uuuummm...that didn't work. My husband of the past 27 years says I can talk to a fence post about the weather. I wear this as a compliment, thank you very much! How many people do YOU know who can hold discourse with a fence post? However, in the past few years, I've come across a group of people who are honing my personality and skills. So, these days I'm working on knowing when to ramble and tell stories...and when to get to the point. The latter, as you might have guessed is not this time. I'm going to just let this first blog FLOOOOW! If you're here and intend on making it through this blog, you might as well put down your paddle and enjoy the ride. Can I get you a snack?

Truly, a little about myself. Currently, I really am a wife of "nice, Texas boy", as my Grandmother wanted for me when I lived in Alaska. Yes, we moved to Alaska when I was 3 and I accumulated 18 years there. However, East Texas has been my home for the past 27 years. We live in a an old, rural community known for toughness and independence, which is a very diplomatic way of conveying the reputation that goes with this place. My husband's family goes back 5 generation here. This type of "setting down roots" is something I had to learn to live. In my family and with my dad's job, we moved every 2-4 years. (no, Dad wasn't Military and I'm not an Army Brat. My brother would probably willingly go with the "Brat" part, though.) I had no intention of moving to Texas because, I would tell my Mam-Maw, "If I go camping in Alaska, I don't have to shake Grizzlies or Moose out of my sleeping bag or boots." But, life and circumstances have a way of working that gets us right where God wants us to be, right when God wants us to be there, don't they? I mean, look!'re here .... now, right? In the end, it wasn't "life" or "circumstances", anyhow. It was nothing more than God.

I am a Real Life Mom, also, to 7 children: 4 boys and 3 girls, ranging, in age, from 33 to 13. There are 20 years (approx.) between my oldest and myself; there are approximately 20 years between my oldest child and my youngest. (you can now do the math to find out how old I am!) I also have 5 Grandchildren: 4 boys and, FINALLY!, 1 girl.  I'm sure, if you continue to follow me (and I hope you do!) you'll hear more about my wonderful, only occasionally miscreant children and my beautiful grandchildren so I'll not go into detail here. Remember, this is only an Introduction.

Yes, we live in a rural community on a small parcel of land that others have "forced" me to call a "Farm". There are times I can truly see our place as such, but there are times I find it difficult to do so. It's really just ...the place we live. We're not very near to any of the incorporated towns which can sometimes be a bother but mostly it's pure bliss to me! Often, on the days I do my grocery shopping and business for the week, I find myself finally taking a deep breath and really relaxing once I turn into our long driveway/county road. I truly do appreciate being the only person on our road and the silence that comes with our little corner of the world. One of my husband's friends brought his elderly mother to visit us one time. As I was helping her out of her son's jacked up 4-wheel drive, she was looking around then she asked me, "Honey? Do you have to pipe in sunshine down here?" The look on her face was wide eyed and only slightly humorous.  I replied, "Yes m'am, occasionally we do have to put in an order for some extra sunshine." But I love it that way!

I think for now, the only other thing I'll share with you (because I have to save some of my 'life changing' material for later, don't I?) is actually the most important. I am a Believer in the One True God, YHVH. I am not ashamed to let you know that I believe Yeshua is Messiah, the Son of God and God Himself in the flesh. While I might discuss "religion" with you and I'll listen to your point of view, I won't budge on these two facts. We are all free to believe as we choose...because God created us in that fashion, but >I< hold these 2 facts indisputable. If anything that I post here in (*ahem*) MY Blog offends you, that is not my intention, but I won't apologize for it, either. I also won't argue about it

. These are the facts; Reality. Not as >I< see it. It just is. God is "I AM"...and He is. Period. I don't push my beliefs on anyone. That's above my pay-grade and not even my job. You'll have to check in with the Holy Spirit if you have an issue in that area. If you have questions or want to discuss I am so up for all that! But I will not argue nor will I tolerate disrespect of my Creator, Father and King, so just use some decency, respect and common sense if you go into those areas and we'll be great friends, even if you don't believe the same as I.

What is my goal in posting this blog? You can blame my friends for that. As I said, I have a tendency to wax a wee bit long, at times, in my conversation. Several friends have implored me to write a book. That's a daunting task, to say the least. So, I have settled on a Blog. My intent is to share little tidbits of my life which might be family, faith, business (I'm self employed. That might be the subject of my next post, in fact) or just some random thought I pick out of "The Nothingness" and choose to chew on for awhile. I am prone to such, on occasion. I will, however, give it my best effort at sharing things that might make your life a little better for the reading. I don't want my time to be wasted and I'm sure you feel the same way. If there is ever any specific topic you'd like me to mull over and possibly make a post, I heartily invite you to share it with me! Then, this would be more like a conversation between friends, wouldn't it? On the subject of friends...can one ever truly have to many? I see friends as Precious Gems God gives me! Each is unique. Each catches the light and sparkles in their own way. Look at your friends. Do you not see their sparkle and their shine...that is not quite like any other friend you have, right? Their color, quality and clarity is specific to them and unlike anyone else you know. THAT's a God-Thang! So, if I make some new friends through this Blog....HALLELU-YAH! (that's actually Hebrew for "Praise God - Yah!")

Now, I shall leave you to ponder the quality and worthiness of this, my first EVER Blog, and to decide if watching me learn this process is worth your time. I truly hope it is and I would be very honored to have you join me in this endeavor. Thought: if a blog is posted and no one reads it....does it make a sound? Hmmm............ (snap back!) I will try my very best to find a rhythm that is accommodating to us all, whether that be once a week or more, we'll see.

Let God bless you today and you be a blessing to everyone else!