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What's YOUR story?

Ok, so you're here and you've read at least one of my blogs. THANK YOU! It's so nice that you have an interest in me and what I think, feel or do and you've shared some of you valuable time with me. But ya know what? This life ain't just about me. It's about ALL of us! I don't want the focus to be all about me. So...what's YOUR story? We all have one. I'm interested in yours. On this page...YOU are the Star! But let me tell you what I'm most interested in: Who you REALLY are. Not who you have been, although that is very important to who you are now. It is my belief that God put a Passion...a Purpose into all of us. Have you figured out what is your Purpose yet? I have found the act of writing is fantastic for finding out that key piece of information. So, I would like for you to share a short bit about what is your Passion...your Purpose. Most importantly, though, I want to hear what your DOING about that Purpose. If you feel you need a little help with that, why not let me help you? Am I an expert at this? Nope. I have no degrees, certificates, certifications. Nothing....except a Passion to help to equip and empower others to find and realize their Purpose through action. By allowing me to help you with your Passion and are helping me fulfill mine! What a great Team we make! So, give it some thought. You might find a Blog or two on how to do this. (at the time of this's "Coming Soon".) But I am VERY interested in learning about YOU. Thank you for taking the time to share with me.

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